Recent news

Latest News:
We are delighted to announce the generous grant of £42000 from London Youth Burberry in honour of achieving the Gold Youth Quality Mark.
This grant will enable Kids N' Action to continue their vital projects for disadvantaged people.

Congratulations: (11/11/19)
After achieving the Bronze level Quality Mark from London Youth in the Summer of 2017, and the Silver level Quality Mark from London Youth in the Summer of 2018, Kids N' Action has recently achieved the Gold level. This is to show recognition for the excellent work we do with our users and young volunteers.
Kids N' Action is the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers.
Kids N' Action was assessed against a range of best practice standards and proved to excel in all aspects of working with its volunteers.

Hackney Gazette
In the NEWS: (21/07/17)
THANKS to SANTANDER for funding us with a generous grant of £5000 towards a new piano and our Music Classes.
We will provide a balance of structure and freedom which encourages all young people to grow as musicians, developing their own musical identities and interests. They will have productive and creative ways of spending their leisure time, and they will improve their self-confidence and social integration as a result of their participation in a live concert, where they will show their newly developed musical skills and abilities in an innovative way which will also help them to overcome social challenges.
Kids N' Action are proud to be in the Hackney Gazette this week.

Hot off the press:
We are delighted to be able to report that we have just secured a Big Lottery grant of £10,000 to help us install a stair climber and purchase specialised equipment, in order to enable our disabled users to access the community hall, where all the after school programs take place.
A BIG Thank You to the Big!

Reports on the consortium bid:
Reporting on the two consortium of which Kids N' Action are members facilitated by The Interlink Foundation; the first one is Sport England Activation Fund, which funds daily netball sessions after school. It is really popular, and runs throughout the year. Rain or shine, summer and winter, the girls are ready and waiting for their turn to have a go.
The second consortium, funded by Young Hackney, helps us to run AQA accreditation Leadership Skills coursers, as well as some of our Music Club programmes.

Our very latest news is our before school Keep Fit Club for 100 young people aged 8-11. 20 enthusiastic keep fitters attend sessions on different school days; the sessions are run by qualified and accredited trainer, and we have lots of young people on our waiting list. thank you to Hackney Community Grants programme for the funding which has enabled us to set up and run this most popular project; what will we do when this funding comes to an end?

Better access for disabled users:
Our two year Lift appeal project reached a successful conclusion with the installation of our wheelchair friendly new lift. This means that wheelchair users and other of our users with disabilities can now join all activities on all floors with ease. In their name, and ours too, we thank all the loyal and generous benefactors who enabled this to happen. Now all users can take part in IT, art and sewing projects as well as other after school activities, which was impossible before the lift was in place.